Automoblox Rock!

We had a really excellent Easter weekend. Church services were great, lots of discussions with the kids about the resurrection, and plenty of rousing singing of great Easter hymns. We also colored eggs, had a bit of chocolate, and enjoyed some new toys that I found for the kids. I've been eyeing Automoblox for years but they're hard to find and a bit expensive. Imagine my surprise when I discovered a big stash of their mini cars in the clearance aisle at Target on Saturday night. I snagged one car for each person in the family and brought them home as a special treat. The design of these toys is just fantastic. The wood is incredible, the way they reconfigure is lots of fun, and the "retro-modern" aesthetics are just great. As many of you know, we try really hard to avoid all the trappings of consumerism and the proliferation of "stuff" around the house, especially cheap toys that just break before they're even out of the box. Our kids really don't need any more toys, but if we're going to live with toys all over the house, at least they can be quality toys with great design!
Below are a few sample shots from the kitchen table.

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