Saturday, April 12, 2008

Another Marathon, Another State

I have to go to California this week for work, and I'm managing to squeeze in another marathon in another new state. This time it's California and Cindy was gracious enough to let me leave town a bit early so I could tack on this race at the beginning of my work trip.

I flew out to San Francisco this afternoon, met a co-worker (who I had never met before) from our Tokyo office, and we drove together over to Stinson Beach. The road over the mountains was crazy-curvy and reminded me a lot of the road to Hana in Maui. Here's a quick roadside pano I shot on the drive out. Isn't it beautiful here?

(Click for larger version!)

Anyway, we arrived safely and even caught a bit of the beautiful sunset out over the Pacific Ocean. I had a small dinner and when I went to unpack I discovered a wonderful letter from Andrew and beautiful pictures from Katie. Thank you guys for being so thoughtful!

The marathon starts at 9am tomorrow, elevation change is several thousand feet of rugged trails, and the temps are supposed to be in the mid 80s. Should be interesting! If I survive I'll post some pix after the race.


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